DJ Baby, baby

March 15, 2012

yo yo

“Levantad las manos para Detroit. A lovely city…”

Needs more bass. Always needs more bass.

Hiking the Wilds of Placa Catalunya

March 14, 2012

The pig in a poke is laughing because she’s on top of the world!

yo yo

This is her first ride in the hiking rucksack. This is what we will be using for hiking when she gets too big for the sling.

The Littlest Barista

March 13, 2012

Riu in the local coffee shop, with the lovely Carmen, who until today thought Riu was a boy.

yo yo

I think Jim needs to work on her Spanish. I’m mean his Spanish. Gee, possessive adjectives are super confunding.

These are our friends

March 12, 2012

These are our friends, who went home to NZ to show off their new little baby and we hope they come back soon.

We miss them. They’re so cool.

yo yo

L-R: Brad and Ari, Nicky, Rebecca, Riu and Jim

Riu the Welder

March 12, 2012

Taking after her Uncle Eamonn in those glasses.

yo yo

On a side note, spring has arrived here!

Post-bath-time Massage

March 1, 2012

After a relaxing, rejuvenating and research-filled bath-time, Riu has 100% extra virgin olive oil massaged into her skin, gently stretching her tired muscles after a day of kicking furiously, and softening her skin after a day exposed to the harsh elements of Barcelona city.

yo yo

That’s not Merula olive oil around her mouth though, that’s just drool.