Our Angel
August 7, 2012
That’s our Angel.
He makes great hamburguesas. Riu loves ‘em.
Three monkeys we found up a tree and a woodland creature of the forest floor
That’s our Angel.
He makes great hamburguesas. Riu loves ‘em.
Just visiting some friends, checking out their balcony.
Looking at all the little people down there.
On Riu’s birthday she went to her first official concert (being in her mama’s tummy during Primavera 2011 doesn’t count). She went to see Beth Orton and Bon Iver in the fairy-tale setting of the Plaza Mayor of Poble Espanyol
And she had a little siesta after waving ‘hola’ to all her fans.
Tense times watching the Olympic Games. Piglet is very excited to start slaloming in Sort. We have decided. She is going to be a slalomista.
Busy day. Time for a siesta.
Accompanied as always by el mono.
From Mama and Papa.
@ben_cameron does these fantastic painstaking inkpen drawings. We asked him to create this one for Riu’s birthday.
She loves it. Check out more of his work on his website: Strange Paul.