Cage Rage

April 2, 2012

The little Piglet’s pig pen is getting too little for her. She’s not shy about expressing her need for a bed more becoming her size. So far, though, she hasn’t managed to escape.

yo yo

Some nights a little arm can be found sticking out through the bars, sometimes a tiny leg, right up to the ham.

Art Appreciation

April 1, 2012

Little critic inspects Jim’s Christmas present from Rebecca.

yo yo

The original painting is from the Encants second-hand market, with the origami birds added by Rebecca. They are taking flight towards their flock (unseen off in the sky on the right).

Sant Cugat and the Volta Catalunya

March 25, 2012

Training for the camino continues apace. This Sunday, on her second attempt, Piglet made it up and over Tibidabo and down the other side into Sant Cugat.

yo yo

On the downhill section into Sant Cugat we were unintentionally on the course of the third-oldest cycling race in the world - the Volta Catalunya. We were informed of this by a motorcycle policeman who was telling us to get off the road.

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So, for a brief period, Piglet in her chariot was ahead of the peloton, leading the 101st Volta.

Piglet as the peloton whizzes by…

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Where did they all go?

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They went to Sant Cugat, and so did we. We stopped for lunch at the monastery; they didn’t.

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Then we turned around and cycled back up and over Tibidabo, pausing only to visit a playground for Piglet’s first time on a horse:

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She loved the swing, which more than made up for being disqualified from the cycling race.

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Piglet loves you all, she wanted me to convey that.


March 23, 2012

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Swaddled for the brutal Russian winter.

Visiting Ireland

March 21, 2012

Riu and Rebecca are visiting family in Ireland this week.

Here’s Riu with her cousin Ben. Que guapos.

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Tickling him under the chin…

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Which was just a prelude to stealing his chupeta…

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Then she pinches his cheek to show she’s only messing with him.

yo yo

Only two days until my girls are back in Barcelona.